Taboo Topics for New Moms

New motherhood brings a bundle of joy — as well as a lot of prying questions, judgmental comments, and unwanted advice about raising a baby. We’ve compiled some awkward and awful real-life anecdotes from moms. Learn what topics call for caution or complete avoidance. Go ahead and share constructive parenting tips, but tread carefully, moms!
Breastfeeding vs. Bottle-Feeding
This is the “mother” of all sore subjects for new moms. Some mothers breastfeed for years, while others do it for months or weeks, and some don’t try nursing at all — and that’s all okay. Breastfeeding has great health benefits for babies, but pediatricians still say formula-feeding is a fine alternative. If breastfeeding vs. bottle-feeding comes up in conversation, be open to everyone’s point of view and personal experience.
Cloth vs. Disposable Diapers
Sure, cloth diapers are the “green” and old-fashioned option. But they can also be higher maintenance than disposable diapers. One new mom we know had multiple pushy offers from her mother-in-law to receive a cloth diaper service as a baby shower gift — but she knew it wouldn’t fit her busy lifestyle as a working mother, so she declined. Avoid voicing strong opinions on how someone else should cover baby’s bottom.
Whether to Circumcise
Circumcision is a hot topic of debate. The common practice of removing a male baby’s foreskin has some risks and some benefits. The American Academy of Pediatrics, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American Academy of Family Physicians, maintains that there is not enough data to medically recommend or oppose circumcision. Whether to do the procedure is a private decision for parents to make.
Baby’s Name
Parents put months — or even years — into choosing a baby name. If a friend shares her list of baby name ideas and asks for your advice, let her know your favorites, but keep any negative comments about your least favorites to yourself. If you think her ultimate baby name pick is too trendy or too common, it’s best to bite your tongue. She’ll probably remember your feedback forever.
Hillary Wollin

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